Alpamys Batyrov


Matter of time.

In our days, speed of life stream is very fast it’s getting harder to focus on any type of activity and give deeper analysis to it. A person in developing countries suffers from ADD (attention deficit disorder). Technological and industrial development leaves no choice but to be always in a hurry and those who works with such precious and delicate “matter” such as art is very unlikely to keep up with present rhythm. Art requires not only time but patients, as well as self-dedication and passion.
This series of graphic drawings are a way to illustrate, how in my opinion matter (in general) works with each other and it's not just physical but metaphysical matter as well.  It’s a great mystery of how everything that surrounds us, have been connected to each other (atoms, protons, etc.) Science gives us answers of how mechanisms are working, but why it works lie in another dimension. In my opinion, there is no way science would give answers to such question on its own. I believe that we need to cooperate in this field.
We very interconnected beings in our ways of thinking and exchanging information. In did it very difficult to work with such objective point of view, but every line and every stroke gives me the time and what most important time to realization and analysis. Time that I’ve spent is actually one of the main ideas that I developing throughout this series of drawings, it is subject of my work, or better to say, "matter”


